MMC First Process concludes a contract with FRD Japan 

August 18, 2024

MMC First Process has signed a contract for delivery of technology and equipment to the Japanese company FRD Japan, partially owned by Japan’s Mitsui Group. FRD Japan is building a land-based aquaculture installation for rainbow trout in Chiba, east of Tokyo.

Having tested production on a small scale, FRD Japan is now ready to scale up. The location provides ready access to a sought-after market for premium quality fish. 

Complete fish-handling system 

MMC First Process will deliver a complete fish-handling system, including sub-systems for smolts and fully-grown fish. The contract includes fish pumps, grading machines, valve systems and automation for fish-handling. 

Long-term collaboration 

“Since 2021 we have worked closely together with FRD Japan on planning the installation.  We have established the relationships and confidence needed to be able to negotiate a contract”, says Børre Waagan, Sales Director Onshore Aqua in MMC First Process. The parties have visited one another several times for business meetings and visits to installations to see MMC equipment and systems in use, a stimulating and informative process. “This contract promises to be an important door-opener to the Asian market, and we are hard at work on several similar projects where FRD Japan will be a valuable reference,” explains Waagan. 

Proud of the partnership 

“We are proud to have secured such an important contract for further development and growth,” says FRD Japan’s CEO, Tez Sogo. “It has been important for us to engage cutting-edge expertise, so that we can satisfy the market’s quality expectations.  With MMC First Process’s experience we are confident that our logistical needs for handling fish will be met safely and efficiently.” 

Only the best is good enough 

Børre Waagan adds that working with FRD Japan is always an exciting process. “We share a constant focus on fish welfare and that has been crucial. Fish welfare and product quality go together and we both agree that top quality is the only acceptable standard. I now look forward to seeing the installation in operation and tasting the fantastic food.” 


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