
The SpeedSort's ultra-fast, rapid-response retraction conveyor opens and closes so quickly that it can even remove the trim from both front and back ends of a single product.

The SpeedSort is ideal as an integral part of many processing lines supplied by Marel. For example, SpeedSort retraction conveyors can be placed after an I-Cut PortionCutter to deal with the trim rejects, or after a SensorX bone-detection system to remove fillets containing bone fragments.

The SpeedSort receives the product and the offcut with a small separation. When the offcut is at the end of the first conveyor, the belt will move backward and the offcut will fall down. As soon as the offcut has started to fall, the conveyor will move forward again, ensuring that the main portion will continue to the receiving conveyor.

  • Extremely fast (belt speed up to 30 m/min / 100 products/min)
  • Less manpower needed
  • Easy to clean and keep clean
  • Quick release on infeed conveyor
  • Modular belt on outfeed conveyor

Complete product description at Marel.com


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